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860 302 3687


Prior to seeing Karen DeVille , I had an ongoing incontinence problem that was being treated by 2 different urologists. I was first given two different medications that were increased a few times but did not help. I then saw a different gyno-urologist who tried a bulking agent and botox treatments for stress and frequency incontinence. These things helped a bit but not sufficiently so that eventually I had surgery to have a vaginal sling put in. Although the surgery helped some of the frequency and stress, it did not take care of the overactive bladder issues and I still had random leakage throughout the day and of such volume that I often needed to change my clothes.  After a few sessions with Karen, I experienced significant improvement going from 10-12 issues a day to eventually none. I feel like a new person and can’t thank Karen enough for her professionalism and skills to give me back my life!

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